The ability to change velocity for individual notes in MS4

• Dec 18, 2023 - 03:07

So the ability to change the velocity for individual notes is something that I didn't even realize how much I loved until I transitioned to MS4. As a matter of fact, it kept me from switching for quite some time. And now that I have transitioned, I miss it dearly. Couple that with how much MS4 improved on the sound fonts and it just seems like a no-brainer. I know the mods are super active on this site and will definitely see this. So if changing the velocity of individual notes is not something thats off the table, can you at least explain why? Or some kind of alternative aside from adjusting the velocity of the dynamics?


In reply to by I Go Seppuku Now

It is true that if you click on a series of individual notes in both MS3 and MS4, you can edit their velocities. The problem is that not many of us edit velocities note by note. Rather, we use dynamics marks or hairpins to edit velocities over parts or whole measures, where the notes all increase or decrease together for a dozen or more measures. Frankly, I would hate to have to click on each note in a measure and edit its velocity, particularly since they are not visible to a musician. They are hidden. Dynamics and hairpins on the sheet are obvious and are the way to go and usually have been. Fortunately, the designers of MS 4 have said they will change the code soon to allow both dynamics marks and hairpins to have velocity changes.

In reply to by Asher S.

hamsandwichnow wrote > It is currently Muse Sounds that has this issue, not MU4

Thanks for clarifying. Indeed MS4.2 will play velocities with sound libraries other than Muse Sounds. I guess it's just Muse Sounds that's not yet velocity ready.

I think confusion around this point is understandable. The main thrusts of MuseScore 4 were improved engraving and enhanced playback, so it's not surprising if people mainly explore the new Muse Sounds libraries. And anyone exclusively using Muse Sounds libraries may erroneously conclude that MuseScore 4 doesn't support note velocity. Initially I came to that conclusion myself ... and likely have made forum posts expressing that mistaken notion, for which I apologize.


In reply to by Asher S.

Having used MS3.6 for over a year now, I find it has very few flaws. I have not yet discovered what MS4 has over MS3, unless one considers MuseSounds. The interface is a bit worse in MS4, the F10 mixer is a bit screwed up when displayed, several instruments still do not have solo versions, and there are several other bugs that need fixing. I do like the ability to set reverb per instrument, but if I cannot use the improved MuseSounds because it does not yet allow velocity edits for hairpins and dynamics, and I have to load a soundfont I already have in MS3.6, I cannot see forcing myself to switch to MS4.

In reply to by fsgregs

We all have to use the software that works the best for each of us. No one is forcing anyone to do anything.

I compose mostly for small orchestra. For playback only. You would think that I would want all the control I can get. You would think that all the things that don't work or sound quite right would turn me away from MU4. Like they have many others. I've never used velocity controls in any software I've used. So you guys might ask how I can possibly write anything any good. Music is, after all, about expressiveness. But even with all their shortcomings, I much prefer Muse sounds. I write for what I have to work with. That is part of the challenge of composing. I would not write the same way for a brass group that I would write for a full orchestra, or a rock band. I would have to write differently in MU3. So I view the problems with Muse sounds to be another difference to work with. I think it makes me a better composer. If I only had an spinet piano, I wouldn't expect what I wrote would sound the same on a full grand piano. Or a harpsichord. Or pipe organ. So when I open in MU4, something that I wrote in MU3, I often have to make several changes to it so that is sounds good. Different orchestras sound different playing the same music.

In reply to by fsgregs

Don't get me wrong. I understand wanting to be able to edit dynamics. There have been times when I thought it might be nice. But then, rather than insist on doing things my way, I let the music do it the way it wants. I know that sounds odd. I don't wait for inspiration before I write. If I did, I wouldn't write anything. I sit at my computer and input a few notes. Then I get out of the way.
As a result, I have no interest in transcription or arranging.

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