MuseScore 4.2, MuseHub, Muse Guitars Vol. 1 — Overloaded server?

• Dec 18, 2023 - 19:51

The new 4.2 guitar features are of great interest to me so I got the new MuseHub from MuseScore's Download page today.

    • All apps downloaded quickly
    • Five MuseSounds updates downloaded quickly
    • Unfortunately the new Muse Guitars Vol. 1 is on track for a 2 to 8 hour completion.

The attached images show:
    • My internet download speed is 256 Mbps
    • The Muse Guitars Vol. 1 download speed is often just 26kb/sec

Comments and questions:

1) Is it okay to quit MuseHub during the Muse Guitars Vol. 1 installation ... and resume later when perhaps traffic is lower?

2) I wish MuseHub offered a way to preview sounds (like I can through Native Access from Native Instruments) so I could download specific libraries of interest rather than the entire guitar library.

Thanks for the attention to guitar notation and playback. I hope to see continuing progress in this direction.



Interesting. My internet speed is slower than carrier pigeon. 20 or so (sometimes 5) Mbps. Guitar downloaded in about 8 minutes. Isn't the internet great?

Maybe MuseHub is facing a lot of demand for this guitar pack and is having bandwidth issues. I look forward to your opinion on these guitars.

In reply to by yonah_ag

yonah Your needs are far greater than mine. I've played steel string acoustic for some 60 years. Mostly for fun. And I'm not really interested in writing for it. However, I recently made an arrangement of Despicito in Sibelius because it has wonderful mariachi trumpet sounds as well as passible guitars. I have been working on it in MU4. As you know, I have to use MU3 guitar sounds which require much EQ and other effects and still are dull. As well as MU4 trumpets. Which are......poor. Anyway, when I saw the above post. I upped to 4.2 and downloaded the guitars. It consists of a nylon string guitar, a steel string, and three Les Paul and three Stratocaster sounds. 1 clean and 2 different distortions. To me the nylon string is much more natural sounding than the MU3 version. Though that wouldn't be hard. It works better in Despicito. It might have some balance problems. I've only tried it on this one tune.

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