Musescore 4 on Duet 3?

• Dec 18, 2023 - 22:21

Hi all,

I’m looking for a light, portable PC option that can run Musescore 4. I picked up a Lenovo Duet 3, which I know is underpowered - I’m wondering if there might be a way this could work, or if folks have experience with similar platforms.

I will use the ARM version, which I think would work fine. But, the Duet only has 4GB memory. I know MS4’s stated minimum is 8GB. I am aware of some settings to turn down, which I will continue to investigate. Also, is Muse Hub needed to run MS4? Would the default sound fonts work without it? And, would skipping this lighten RAM usage?

Let me know if this might be a possibility at all, or if I need to find something more powerful.

Thank you! Please let me know if I may provide more info.


You do not need the HUB. MU4 comes with the MU3 sound set. Is there a particular reason for wanting MU4 over MU3 in your situation?

In reply to by bobjp

Understood! Yes - my main machine has MU4. So, for most ease of use/compatibility, I think it would be ideal for both machines to have MU4. But, I believe I know it’s fairly simple to switch between versions with XML files. Would you suggest MU3 for the laptop?

Thank you!

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