Menu bar access via mouse

• Dec 24, 2023 - 00:57

Anyone else find it to feel "unnatural" that single-clicking (mouse-press) on the top text menu bar (File, Edit, etc) of Mu4 doesn't activate the drop-down menu, but only upon click-off (mouse-release)? In Mu3 for instance, user can:

1) Select menu with [mouse-press]
2) Menu manifests (user can also move horizontally to traverse between horizontal options without let-off of button and it will update the view)...
3) Position mouse pointer to desired menu item,
4) [Mouse-release] to activate the desired option.

Seems to be normal behavior for linux/windows programs, but not for Mu4 (linux)... and it's been this way since master moved away from 3.x, so it's either by design, unknown for some reason, or just not a priority.

Maybe it's better on Windows?


Same on windows. But I have always thought on a mouse click as Press and release. So it isn't a problem for me.

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