No playback when first starting new score from custom template

• Dec 29, 2023 - 16:00

I created a fairly minimal custom template, and it's being recognized correctly by MuseScore as far as I can tell. When I create new scores from the template though, I get no MIDI playback when entering notes or playing back the whole piece. If I restart MuseScore and reopen the new score, playback works again.

macOS 12.7, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.0-233521125, revision: eb8d33c

The template is attached

Attachment Size
Basic Chart.mscz 13.61 KB


In reply to by Max Rothman

When I open it as a template, all I get is a single treble staff. When I open the mixer there is no instrument. When I close it and restart MS there is a piano assigned to the single staff. Nothing else. So I guess you get no sound at first because because there is no sound assigned? But you didn't answer my question.

And what do you get from this? test score.mscz

In reply to by bobjp

Re your first question: yes, I see staff paper when opening the first file. I'm assuming you were intending me to open it normally rather than create a new score using it as a template.

The second file opens just fine, and all the instruments seem to work.

So it seems like there was no instrument assigned to the staff in the template? My understanding was that I needed a staff to assign an instrument, and that a template itself should have no staves so they can be added by the options chosen when a new score is created. Is there a way to set up a default instrument in the template? And why does the piano instrument get added when closing and re-opening the file?

In reply to by Max Rothman

Consider that there are various orchestra and band templates in the new score window. In that window you can select whatever instruments you want. Which is fine if you use different instruments each time. If you find yourself using the same setup often, go ahead and set up that instrumentation as a score. and save it to your template folder. That's what I did to get the file I sent you.

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