Score edit challenges

• Jan 10, 2024 - 21:54

I am a new user of MuseScore and am having a devil of a time editing my notation entries. For example, if I have entered the notes, rests, and timing for a few measures but then decide I want to insert new rest locations and/or the note durations, I can't seem to do so without wreaking havoc such as rests replacing notes or being automatically inserted with no way for me to get rid of them. Very frustrating. Anyone have any suggestions about where to turn to learn how to do such editing?
Thank you.


Notation doesn't work like a word processor. If you change something in the middle of a measure. It will cover up what was there before. Not displace it. Nor move it to the right. Though it only affect that measure. So if you need to change something, plan ahead. If something bad happens, you can go back with the undo button.
You can always try the manual.

Note input and editing is always left to right, and MsueScore always endeavors not to move any subsequent notes earlier or later just because you change one note. Sounds like maybe your actual gaol was to move the subsequent notes, and you are trying to trick MuseScore into moving them for you by editing an earlier note: Don't do that/ If you have notes you want to move earlier or later, just do that directly, via cut and paste.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score and describe what you are trying to do in more detail, so we can understand and assist better.

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