Crashing when clicking Palettes

• Jan 11, 2024 - 17:06

Hello, as shown in the attached Gif my Musescore crashes instantly when pressing F9 or clicking on Palettes in the view menu. I remember it working, with MuseScore 4 just a few weeks ago. How can I resolve this? I already tried updating all my drivers, updating Musescore and Muse Hub, restarting my computer and completely uninstalling and reinstalling the program. I believe the issue isn't the score itself, because I can't open palettes either with new and local saved files. Below are the diagnostic files from my program.

After resetting Musescore to factory settings (weird that didn't happen when reinstalling), Palettes works again!


The MS4 menu path Diagnostic > Save diagnostic files will create a Zip archive with a number off log files and other info. If you add that Zup archive to this thread, someone might be able to advise you?

Re-install never works. don't bother. There are some cloud issues. Open this score and save it to your computer, instead. Then open that version. If it still happens, please post that score.

In reply to by berthilthomas

That's why I mentioned that re-install never works. Un-install does not delete everything. This is true of any software. Certain folders and settings are always left behind. So when you re-install, often the same problems occur. Especially in the case of MuseScore.
Glad you got it working.

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