Text floating above score cannot be selected

• Jan 13, 2024 - 23:10

I have some errant text in a score I am working on. It floats above the score and cannot be selected.
Is there a way for me to delete this?

Thank you

Attachment Size
ErrantText.png 243.24 KB


It may have been moved from the page where it "belongs". Try selecting it in continuous view mode.

Alternatively use CTRL+A to select everything and CTRL+R to reset everything to default positions. This second suggestion is a bit drastic as you will.lose all position adjustments you may have made on other elements.

In reply to by greygeek

I would simply use Ctrl+A to select the entire score and Ctrl+R to reset the positions of all elements to the default value. This should work in all view modes. Then you can select and delete unwanted text.
But this will reset all manually moved things to their default position, which can sometimes be undesirable.

In reply to by HildeK

"I would simply use Ctrl+A to select the entire score and Ctrl+R to reset"
It's not as simple as that. Have you tried the attached score? The layout becomes completely messed up. I'm not sure the user wants that.
"reset all manually moved things to their default position, which can sometimes be undesirable"
As you say.

In reply to by cadiz1

Yes, in this case you are right. The user has moved a lot of text elements manually.
However, it also shows that the user has not attached some text elements to the correct note or measure and moved them afterwords. This therefore messes up the layout.

In reply to by greygeek

You have probably moved this text by mistake. I assume you wanted to scroll with the mouse and the text was still selected and the mouse pointer was over the text.
Use the mouse wheel to scroll, vertically directly, horizontally together with the Alt key.

In reply to by greygeek

There are a few things I can say:
The two texts "circle of fifths" and "additional chords" should use staff text, not rehearsal marks. Apply both to the first note of the bass staff. You can also activate a frame for this text so that it looks similar but is no longer affected by resetting the layout as they are already in the desired position.
The text block above measure 3 can also be attached to a note in measure 3 so that it does not jump back to measure 1 when the layout is reset. The situation is similar with the "Primary chords" frame. It is hardly possible with "D-F♯-A" and the other two chord designations because the measure has a too small horizontal dimension. So the only option is to move them manually to a new position, which has to be repositioned again when the layout is reset.

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