Crescendo for short notes from "pp" to "ff"

• Jan 14, 2024 - 18:09

Hey :) and look at the screenshot.
While "Violins II" crescendo work fine because they have time of two measures to raise from "pp" to "mf";
"Violins I" have dynamic crescendo which spans to only two quarters notes but they sound like there's no volume change at all when I play it.

I read
but I cannot find "Change speed" in Musescore 4 for given selection in Properties.

Can someone adivce me how to achieve REALLY dynamic crescendo?
PS. I use Muse Sounds but it seems like the issue is the same for MuseScore Basic playback setup.

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Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 19.00.27.png 67.35 KB


What worked for me was to enter the dynamic for the first note. Then enter the dynamic for the second note. The select the first note and enter the hairpin.

In reply to by bobjp

"I don't think you can get a hairpin to play through the end of the second quarter note. Not without a bunch of smoke an mirrors."

Sadly, at present that is correct. Smoke and mirrors example, using hidden rests as anchor points:

See a previous thread "How to decrescendo to a specific dynamic and into a long rest without the first measure of the long rest being separated" :

At some point, a future release of MS4 will provide a better solution.

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