Compressing and uncompressing "some" measures of rest

• Jan 16, 2024 - 03:15

I get that you can easily enable/disable the automatic compressing of rests, but is there a way to have some of both worlds?
Eg: I have an 8-bar phrase and my part starts on the 8th bar. I want a 6 measure compressed rest and a full empty bar 7 before I play.

Is there a way to manually select which bars I want compressed?

Yes, I know it's a little pedantic, but it'd help to line up with the other parts I'm writing...and my OCD often prefers to see even numbers of rest :o)


One way would be to enter your music starting at bar 8. Then make the bar line at the start of bar 7 into a double bar line. The hit "M". The downside is that you have to look at the double bar line.

In reply to by frfancha

That might be the fix for this. I tried the double-bar line as suggested above, but it makes my brain twitch looking at an 8 bar section that's broken into something like a 6 & 2.
I'll have a play with adding invisible stuff. Worth a shot at least.

Besides the best method for your application that SteveBlower mentioned, any addition (system text, staff text, dynamic sign, double bar line, etc.) will cause an interruption of the multi-measure rest.

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