MS4 regression regarding setting the playback point

• Jan 16, 2024 - 23:11

I’ve developed a reliable playback habit in MuseScore 3. When I want to repeatedly hear a score, say from Measure 4 …

The MS3 steps are:

    • Range select Measure 4
    • Play a bit of the score
    • Click on the Measure 4 range selection
    • Press play
• (Repeat the last two steps as long as you want to repeat from Measure 4.)

Result: MuseScore plays from the beginning of the range selection. In other words, by clicking the existing rangle selection, MuseScore understands that I wanted that as playback start point.

Now in MuseScore 4 (understanding that using a range selection is like soloing a track):

    • Range select Measure 4
    • Play a bit of the score
    • Click on the Measure 4 range selection
    • Press play

Result: MuseScore 4 does not play from the beginning of the range selection. Instead it plays from the paused point. Additional impact: This means that in MS4 one cannot solo a Part by setting a range selection, and then click the range selection to set the playback point.



Left click a note where you want playback to start. Don't move the mouse. Start playback with the spacebar. Later stop playback with the space bar. Left click. Hit the space bar and playback starts back at the first selected note. I use a trackball mouse so it is easy to not have the pointer move.

In reply to by bobjp

Right. I know those steps.

I was pointing out a seemingly needless descrepancy between MS3 and MS4 UX.

And I'm sure there the argument will soon appear that this is by design, that's it's a step forward, and a definite improvement.

In my opinion it's far easier to target a range selection than any individual note in a selection.


In reply to by scorster

And what I posted only works if playback stays on the same page. So, maybe not all that useful.
For me, MU4 and MU3 are different programs. Each one of us has to use the version that works for us. That's the way it works.
I don't care about the save button, or the camera, or tabs. Or many of the things MU3 does that MU4 does not. But I totally get that there are many who do care.
I don't even have MU3 on this computer. I don't need it. Are there things that MU3 does that I wish MU4 did? Sure. But I'll get over it. I only care about Playback. To that end, I will use whatever program does what I need. And MU3 doesn't come close.
I get that lots of people care more about speed. Some things that MU4 does differently slows them down. They can't use MU4. OK.
Yes, it is easier to target a range than an individual note. No question about it. But I work with the tools that are provided, and get on with it. I don't care if MU4 is a step forward or not. Or if it is an improvement. It does what I need.

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