Musescore 4 crashes whenever I try to save a file
Whenever I try to save a score as a midi, or anything else, musescore (4 but I also had this problem when I started out with 3 before updating). My scores will only save if I save to the cloud and nothing else. I lost hours of work to this bug and would really appreciate any help!
Before updating......what? Where on your computer are you trying to save to? Might be a permissions problem.
In reply to Before updating......what?… by bobjp
Before updating from Musescore 3 to 4. I meant to say exporting to Midi. Right when I press export to midi it opens up my files but it crashes before I can select a location. Don't know if its a permissions thing but would you happen to know where I can edit those just in case?
In reply to Before updating from… by Another3Person
Is it only midi?
Permissions problem with target folder. But maybe not.
In reply to Is it only midi? Permissions… by bobjp
As I already said, it's all file types when exporting. And again, I can't even choose a folder, it's right when I hit the export button for it to open the file directory that it crashes.
In reply to As I already said, it's all… by Another3Person
Running musescore 4.4.4. Load a midi file. Press save button. Running on linux from command line I get the following error messages in the console.
13:51:14.633 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher::dispatch | try call action: file-save
13:51:14.636 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/MuseScore/Project/AskSaveLocationTypeDialog.qml: Setting initial properties failed: AskSaveLocationTypeDialog does not have a property called sync
13:51:16.333 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/Ui/internal/FileDialog.qml: Setting initial properties failed: FileDialog does not have a property called selectExisting
13:51:16.367 | ERROR | main_thread | crashCallback | Oops! Application crashed with signal: [11] SIGSEGV-Invalid memory reference
In reply to Load a midi file, press save… by oflarst
It apparently is not a general problem, works fine for me, so share a score that does this for you
Can you do anything with this file?
In reply to Can you do anything with… by bobjp
I downloaded stone2test.mscz. I opened it in musescore, and saved without any problem. But, it didn't offer me the choice of cloud / local machine, it just saved it to my local machine.
The file I had problems with was a midi file, this links to directly to the midi file:
I can upload the actual .mid file directly to this post, if needed, but it seems more courteous to IMSLP to link to their site.
With this midi file, I open it in musescore, and it plays, and I can edit it, but if I say save as, or save, or save copy, it offers the choice of cloud or PC, and when I select PC, it crashes.
When I restart, musecore offers to restore the "unexpectedly quit" session. If I say yes, it cannot find the file: /home/myLinuxUser/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/new_project.mscz
The directory exists, the file doesn't. Musescore can export a file to this directory, so has write permissions.
Note: musescore allows me to export the midi as an mxl file, but if I load the exported mxl, it has the same symptom if I try to save it - ie it offers to save to cloud or PC, and it crashes when I select PC.
In reply to I downloaded stone2test.mscz… by oflarst
Works fine here
Are you by chance using MuseScore from FlatPak rather than the AppImage`What does Help > About say?
In reply to Works fine here Are you by… by Jojo-Schmitz
I run gentoo, so it gets compiled locally.
OS: Gentoo Linux, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.4-, revision: github-musescore-musescore-
Gentoo offers 4.4.4 and live. I can switch to the live build if that would be helpful.
In reply to I run gentoo, so it gets… by oflarst
Tle lack of a Git-SHA at the end of the version string is a tell-tale sign that you're not using the AppImage. And only that is supported here, so go any report this issue to Gentoo or FlatPak or whatever, esp. FlatPak is known to have serious issues, or switch to the AppImage from the download page is this site here
In reply to Tle lack of a Git-SHA at the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks for the info.
No, I'm not using AppImage. I download source and compile locally. I searched for my symptom, and landed here.
In reply to Thanks for the info. No, I'm… by oflarst
Use the AppImage, if that doesn't have that issue your own build is buggy
In reply to Ise the AppImage, if that… by Jojo-Schmitz
For other people having the same symptom as I do, and landed here, I downloaded the AppImage from the Musescore github site
chmod +x MuseScore-Studio-
load the midi file, save doesn't crash, and will create an mscz file.
You can now run your locally built version, the mscz file can be loaded, edited and saved.
If I find the cause of the bug in the gentoo build, I will post here again.
In reply to For other people having the… by oflarst
What now, a Gentoo build or your own?
Ah, stupid me, on Gentoö that's basically the same...
In reply to What now, a Gentoö build or… by Jojo-Schmitz
My guess at this moment is that there is an error in the dependencies, or something is turned off that needs to be turned on. I will check the dependencies... but not tonight.
In reply to Thanks for the info. No, I'm… by oflarst
Maybe you're running the build version, not the install version, a pretty common mistake