Consistent format across score

• Jan 20, 2024 - 17:45

I am new to this so apologies for a basic question!
I have a score for SATB and organ but the distances between staves and between vocal parts and the organ "grand stave" are inconsistent through the pages of the score so that some pages have two systems (if I have the correct terminology) with everything very spaced out and some have three appearing much more condensed, I have tried playing with various settings but not managed to achieve a neat consistent appearance. Essentially I just want the same format/spacing throughout (ideally the three systems on a page, apart from the first possibly where there is a title etc).

If my waffle does not make sense I attach a screen shot showing a page on the left where the SA and TB are quite some distance apart and the accompaniment a large distance below; on the right is the next page where the spacing looks better - but how do I get the whole score to look like this?

Many thanks for any help!

Attachment Size
Score.png 31.98 KB


Have you referred to the formatting section of the handbook - here

If so, what have you tried in order to get the look you want?

It is pretty much impossible to tell what your score looks like from that fragmentary picture. It is always best to attach the score itself (the .mscz file) when asking for help. That way, other users can see exactly what settings have been used and can advice on how to adjust them.

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