Proof that I am a Noob to Drums

• Jan 23, 2024 - 22:00

Say I have an orchestra acoompanied by a rhythm on a drumset but sometimes I want the drummer to hit the cymbal and then stop it with their other hand immediately after striking it. What’s that called, and how can I notate that?


It is often called "choke", that is to stop the cymbal is called "choke the cymbal".

There are multiple ways to notate this.

The most clear way is to write "choke" over the cymbal hit. If you only need this a few times in a score and the drummer reading the score might not know the notations described below, this is the best option.

A staccato dot over the cymbal note. This is for instance proposed in School of Rock and Drum Magazine. This works fine in MuseScore.

A "single quote" after the cymbal note. This is for instance proposed in Online Drummer, drum beats online and this PDF from MIT (or "Audio Graffiti"). This is not supported in MuseScore 3.6, and I guess not in MuseScore 4.2 either (did not check).

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