Why is the score still there?

• Feb 15, 2024 - 15:43

I really don't know what to do. Yesterday i uploaded a file to the cloud, but when i tried to open it, it did not work for some reason. I opened the cloud file then i opened the Musescore 4 folder but all the folders were empty, there was no score for some reason? I checked every file on my computer but it was not there. Do anyone know how to delete the score? I really hope someone know how to fix this.

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This is the picture of the problem.png 122.56 KB


Are you saying you removed the score from musescore.com where it was originally saved? Or that you tried to save but something went wrong?

Either way, if you are sure you never want to access that score again but MuseScore keeps showing it to you even after restarting the program, first realize it's harmless. But if you really want to remove from that display, you can use the facilities of your OS to browse to the special hidden folder where it is stored and remove it. On Windows it is AppData/Local/MuseScore/MuseScore4/cloud_scores, I believe. Something similar for other systems (".local" instead of AppData/Local on Linux, for example).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The reason i was so desperate to delete the score was because OneDrive had a sync problem with the score.

But i just fixed the problem. The problem was my OneDrive. I saved my score on OneDrive but my computer saw the score as a problem, so my safety program deleted the score from my computer immediately.... But Musescore thought for some reason the file still existed. But i just fixed the problem by tapping on the button: Clear the list of previous files.

But thank you for helping me👍 even though i already fixed the problem👍

I hope you understand what i said, because English is not my main language.

In reply to by Wilsza

The list of recently used files is just a list of links to the files. The entry is retained even if the file no longer exists.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to delete individual entries from it. You can either delete none or all of them.
However, some time ago there was a request to enable individual deletion. Perhaps it will be added at some point.

In reply to by HildeK

I hope it is getting added soon. It would be nice just to enable indivdual deletion instead of deleting all scores.

But thank you for helping me👍 even though i already fixed the problem👍

The problem was my OneDrive. I saved my score on OneDrive but my computer saw the score as a problem, so my safety program deleted the score from my computer immediately.... But Musescore thought for some reason the file still existed. But i just fixed the problem by tapping on the button: Clear the list of previous files. (The deletion you talked about)

I hope you understand what i said, because English is not my main language.

In reply to by Wilsza

I understand your English - I am also no native speaker (German). I often use deepl.com for translation.

Each time you open a file, a link is inserted at the top of this list. And further down are the files that you have previously opened. If you delete a file with the file explorer, MuseScore does not know this, but the name remains in the list anyway. This is not checked. And MuseScore is not able to delete files. You can only overwrite a file if you try to save a score under a file name that already exists.
So if you click on an entry of a non-existing file, you will get a message like "File not found". Many other programs also have such lists in the file menu.
And the new feature, when it comes, will only allow you to manually remove individual entries from the list. You would use this for files that you have deleted yourself and the reference has become useless.

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