Accordion notation symbols?

• Feb 17, 2024 - 05:02

I'm learning the accordion and more specifically a stierche harmonica (aka a button box) that is diatonic (different notes on push vs pull). It's fun, but the teaching methods are mostly in German which I've learnt using various books. I have other American polka music for the same instrument, but they don't use the same notation I learn from my earlier books. I'd like to convert a few pieces in MuseScore to speed up my learning. I've attached a few pics of the notation used. You will notice, there's "x" and a flatter "x" in front of notes. Those indicate the row (key) on the button box to play. I can't seem to find a symbol "x" in the tool. For the base line, you'll see another sample that has long horizontal lines that indicate push or pull. The Upper and lower case letters indicate a base vs. chord button to press. I'm trying to figure out how to create all these notations in the software? Any tips or suggestions? thank you!

Attachment Size
IMG_4383.jpg 1.39 MB
IMG_4384.jpg 2.04 MB


Hello, I think you can use text annotations to indicate the row or key on the button box. MuseScore provides text annotations that you can add to your score. You can simply type "x" or "x♭" as text and place it above or below the notes to indicate the row or key.

For the long horizontal lines indicating push or pull on the bass line, you can use the "ties" in MuseScore. Add a tie between two identical notes and extend it to cover the duration you want to indicate push or pull. This will visually represent the extended duration for the desired direction.

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