The subject line says it all. I went through the "401 Authorization" bug and everything seemed fine. I was able to save to MuseScore. I opened the file ("String Quartet V5") (on my laptop) and found 1/2 hour of work had disappeared. Which was precisely what I wanted to ensure would not happen in case something buggy happened on my laptop.
This is after losing over an hour of work yesterday.
I will certainly never back up to MuseScore again.
Ironically, I got two messages saying my score had been uploaded successfully. When I clicked on the image of the first page, it returned the error message "File not found". Yes. We knew that.
In reply to Ironically, I got two… by AldenJ
Always save to your own system. Always. I don't trust the cloud. or the .com site.
In reply to Always save to your own… by bobjp
Lesson learned. It’s churlish to whine, as I did. Much praise to the folks who have devoted so much time to create this great FREE tool. But still. It’s a rude shock to find that not all of it works equally well.
Complain to musescore.com then, not here in musescore.org