Tie at end of prima volta to start of repeat

• Mar 13, 2024 - 17:47

I need a work-around to show a tie from the last note of a prima volta to a note at the start of the repeat. The prima volta is also at the end of a system. I really need a way to show a right-half tie at the end of the one note, and a left-half tie before the first note of the repeat. I thought there was a work-around in MuseScore 3, but now I am working in MuseScore 4. I tried adding a note to the start of the seconda volta, that I could tie to, which worked. Then I could make that note invisible, but then it showed a half-tie at the end of one system (which is what I want) and a half-tie to the invisible note at the start of the next system. I could not make that half-tie invisible without losing the other half-tie that I want. That also does not get me the half-tie at the start of the repeat.

Perhaps this is a feature request, because the note after the prima volta is the start of the repeat, so that is what it should let you tie a note to. Is there a way to just add a line, or a character of text that I can manipulate manually to put next to these notes?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes -- I had already seen that how to. I don't need a tie as described there. It is a tie leading out of the first ending, back to the start of the repeat. So in that example, in the second bar of the first ending, right before the repeat sign, a tie with its second half being in the first measure of the repeat, before the first note.

Of the seven solutions for that particular problem, which one might address what I am trying to do -- would it be the special characters? (Solution 1)

In reply to by Jim Newby

You wrote:
...in the second bar of the first ending, right before the repeat sign, a tie with its second half being in the first measure of the repeat, before the first note.

Is there a start repeat barline before that first note where you want the second half of the split tie (from the prima volta) to appear?
If so, upon seeing for the first time (never having yet played to the volta) how should one regard this "half tie"? Is the note played? Or is the tie not needed the first time, but only on the repeat?

Would it make more sense to copy that measure (with the half tie) to the end of the prima volta (to keep the tie joined together) and then move the start repeat barline to the following measure?

In reply to by Jm6stringer

There is a start repeat barline before the the first note requiring the second half of the tie. It is played, but it only occurs on the repeat. This is a vocal piece, and there is a holdover note at the end of the first verse. I have that note bracketed since it only occurs the second time. Your option to move the repeat a bar later and extend the prima volta by a bar by copying that first measure with the added note would certainly work, and then everything would also play properly. Thanks for the suggestion. At the moment, I have worked around it by adding text, using a wide elision special character as a left-hand guitar fingering element, and then adjusting the placement. It is not as thick as the ties symbols, but good enough. I may use your suggestion and extend that prima volta and move the repeat start one measure later. Thanks again.

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