Pro quality playback output from MU4 ?

• Mar 15, 2024 - 16:08

I am newly getting into this composition thing and I am curious if people are using the output of musescore 4.x to produce professional quality sound recordings or is that not a realistic expectation. If yes, then I assume that you are using 3rd party sound libraries and not MuseSounds (which I do like quite a lot). If no, then I assume you are taking the midi into a DAW instead and doing final production there. I would love to stay in MU for everything, but I am thinking that probably not possible.

My personal use case is only output results, I am not concerned about engraving in the least right now, so those features don't mean much to me.

Anyway, I am just looking for some thoughts on how people are using the output of MU.


Technically, it is not the goal of any notation software to produce professional quality sound recordings. It really depends on what you are planning to use the output for.

In reply to by bobjp

At the least, I want to be able to produce some good quality demos , at most I would like to be able to provide the output to a third party for use in their film (low budget). Since Musescore "will" take 3rd party VST, I hoped that maybe I could accomplish this in one tool and not have to export to a DAW. I don't know how successful all the little nuances will carry over in the export. I'd hate to have to redo all my dynamics and such in the DAW, as well as any other cleanup.

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