Can new score wizard skip adding a title?

• Mar 18, 2024 - 15:22

When I create a new score, my first step is always to remove the frame at the top of the page with the title, subtitle, and composer. For my purposes, I never want it.

Is there a way to configure MuseScore so that the new score wizard doesn't always add that?

(Maybe I'm better off just skipping "New Score" and always starting by opening a template instead, but I'm a little afraid I'll be prone to forgetting to "Save As" immediately, overwriting the template instead. And the wizard does still add a little convenience.)

Well, if it's not possible, it's a minor thing.


Yeah, there's no way to disable adding a title by default. Even if you don't add one in the New Score Wizard, it puts a placeholder title in the score.

I'm okay with it adding a title by default (which I almost always want), but I'm not okay with it adding a subtitle by default (which I almost never want).

Put your template in templates folder: Documents/Musescore4/templates
Then open "New Score" wizard, select category "My templates" -> your template name

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