Musescore 4 crashing - Implode

• Mar 24, 2024 - 02:07

I am trying to use the Implode feature for two instruments but every time I click on Implode, Musescore closes . I have tried many times with different instruments (2 Flutes, 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones) but it’s the same result every time. I have used the Implode feature before and not had any issues. Is this a new bug with Musescore or is it me? Is there some setting that I need to change?


"Is this a new bug with Musescore or is it me?"
In any case, it shouldn' crash. Can you see for yourself what's causing the problem by reproducing it from scratch? If you don't, please attach this score so we can find out what's going on and then fix it for the benefit of the community.

Sorry for the late reply, but I was having this issue, too, and came here looking for answers. After futzing around with it for a bit, here's the solution I came up with:

1.) Create a duplicate instrument line (if the problem was on the soprano line, create another soprano instrument line)
2.) Copy from the instrument line that was causing the crash onto the new instrument line.
3.) Implode this new instrument line - it should work now\
4.) Clear out the original line (ctrl+X) so that there is only one part within the instrument line - important note here: sometimes I needed to ctrl+x multiple times before it would get set back to a single part
5.) Copy and paste the correctly imploded part back to the line you want it on, which you just cleared out.

Context for my issue: I had been playing around a lot with stem direction and imploding certain sections, but not others (working with splitting certain voice parts/stem directions) before I do my typical "implode bonanza" cleaning up the final score for unnecessary extra stems. Then when I was cleaning it up, it kept crashing. I was working mainly in "continuous view," but had made some spacing edits in "page view," so perhaps that was the source of the bug? Another thing that was really buggy in this score is I had a lot of slides and portamentos that were experiencing the "disappearing glissando" bug.

Ironically.....the song I'm arranging is about bugs.

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