Backward compatibility: MuseScore 3.7 Evolution now opens MuseScore 4 files!

• Mar 29, 2024 - 04:27

It's was quite heartening to hear that MuseScore 3.7 Evolution can now open MuseScore 4 files. I was grateful today to be able to recover a file from the grips of MS4; I couldn't work comfortably on the score in MS4 because hiding an MS4 staff invariably muted the staff, and MS4's Mixer offered option for unmuting the staff.

After opening your an MS4 score directly in MS 3.7 Evolution, via File>Open) you can edit it in 3.7 or 3.6.x. as save to .mscz, as normal.

This topic has a number of facets: System, Installation, Issues ... so I will attempt to touch on those topics here in an organized manner.

System specs

My system:
     • MacOS 13.5.2
     • Macbook Air M2, 24GB 2TB SSD
     • MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: cbcca1a

Installation instructions

MacOS installation:
It took some persistence to get a recent version of 3.7 running on macOS
First you have to find the latest artifact on Github. NOTE: It would be greatly appreciate if development would establish reliable, unchanging, download link for MuseScore 3.7 Evolution.

Then you have to get beyond MacOS's security: "Musescore 3.7 is damaged and can't be opened"

Next time I install MS3.7 I'll compile a list of steps and post here.

NOTE: This version of MS 3.7 won't open on MacOS if there's another version of MuseScore 3 running. In contrast I can open and use MS other versions of MS3.7 while is running. But 3.6.2 won't run concurrently.

Windows installation:
    See these detailed MS3.7 installationinstructions, by yonah_AG.


Audio system: Once installed and running that I found that 3.7's audio system is broken on MacOS. Also see the Github xattr-c terminal solution. —the issue is that all audio driver menus are disabled
BUT I CAN use 3.7 to open MS4 scores, save, and then open in 3.6 or open in an older version of MS 3.7 (specifically, in my case, which runs fine on MacOS, but does not have the latest bug fixes or enhancements.

The results of opening an MS4 score in MS3.7

The imported file was of great fidelity, with some minor issues:

• After choosing an MS4 file through File>Open MS3.7 issues a "Cannot read file ..." warning, however when you press ignore the file opens.
• Format>Style>Score>indent>Enable indentation of first system was off in the MS4 score, but ON in the import.
• Beam angles aren't as nice as in MS4.
• Sounds selected in the mixer are lost. Sound reverts to default for instrument.

A larger issue is that Ms3.7 does not import Parts.

Overall purpose of MS 3.7 Evolution

The point of MS 3.7 Evolution is:

1) to address the bugs in 3.6.2, and quash bugs that 3.7 inherited from 3.6.2

2) to provide an alternative to MS4 for those who dislike the interface, behaviors, bugs, regressions, and omissions ...
    (MS3.7's Piano Roll Editor is example of a large, improved, and reinstated feature.)

3) to make MS4 files backwards compatible with MuseScore 3

Many, MANY thanks to Jojo and to all who have contributed to MS3.7 Evolution!



> MuseScore 3.7 Evolution now opens MuseScore 4 files!
This has been working for a long time!
However, there are a few limitations: One example that I am familiar with: the multiple measure repetitions which works in MuS4
are not recognized. This must be checked and corrected.
The last correction of a 3.6.2 and probably of MuS 4 bug: 'Copy lyrics to clipboard' didn't work before if the lyrics are not attached to voice 1.

> Many, MANY thanks to Jojo and all who have contributed to MS3.7 Evolution!
I fully agree and thank them too! Otherwise I would not be able to help with many of the problems in the MuS 4 scores.

In reply to by HildeK

Yes, multi-measure repeats are a Mu4 feature that hasn't been backported to Mu3 (yet, be my guest to try).
Of course on importing a Mu4 score all features from that which don't have a counterpart in 3.7 are getting lost, that's what I hoped to make clear by the warning ;-)
That copy lyrics to clipboard fix is not yet in 3.7, just in the artifacts of a PR build. I'm waiting for the corresponding Mu4 fix to pass muster (review and merge)

The audio issue on MacOS is a mystery to me. And without having a Mac myself nor the knowledge needed, there's not much I can do aboput it. Help would be more than welcome!

Format>Style>Score>indent>Enable indentation of first system was off in the MS4 score, but ON in the import.
Yes, for some reason I haven't understood yet, some/many/most style settings seem to be getting lost.
They are all read though, but apparently don't make it into the score.
Hints as to why this isn't working are more than welcome!
Workaround is to extract the score_style.mss from the mscz (which is a ZIP archive in disguise) and use Format > Style > Read style on it. But then you could also extract the mscx and read that with 3.6.2...

Beam angles
Those might be a matter of layout improvement in Mu4. If you can pinpoint them I might be able to backport them, well possible though that the changes are way to complex for a backport.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

> But then you could also extract the mscx and read that with 3.6.2...
Reminder: Since MuS 4 has this 'lastEID' tag, MuS 3.6.2 cannot open an mscx from MuS 4 without removing this tag of line 5. But your 3.7 opens.

If we just discussing some 3.7 issues:
My observation: the settings in Format -> Style -> Text -> Volta has no influence on the font style or font size of the Volta text. This only works if they are changed in the inspector.
This is not a regression, 3.6.2 behaves in the same way. One should check it in MuS 4 too.

> yet, be my guest to try
I would if I could :-) ...

In reply to by HildeK

Ah, yes, that nasty lastEID... (just delete that line in a text editor)

Format -> Style -> Text -> Volta could well fall into the same category as the other style issues
Hmm, maybe not, as you said it is the same in 3.6.2, apparently completly ignored. But not in 4.2.1.
3.6.2 does read it though, the <voltaFontFace> tag, and obeys that in existing voltas,
I have the strong suspicion that the same is true for text line, ottavas , pedal, let-ring and palm muting

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