Hiding certain pages and measures

• Apr 1, 2024 - 18:14

I am working on a longer piece and it has become almost overwhelming, how do I hide certain pages and measures to help me focus more?


  1. Consider splitting the score into shorter sections, so that the number of pages you scroll through is smaller. For the subsequent copy-and-paste actions to work smoothly, you first need to enter all changes of key signature and time signature into the empty full score. Otherwise the copy-and-paste won't work correctly.
  2. Consider using Rehearsal Marks, which are a great aid for navigating a score. Handbook: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/rehearsal-marks
  3. If this is a full orchestral score, consider hiding some instrument sections entirely. Currently I am transcribing an opera (full orchestra, soloists, SATB chorus, rehearsal piano). So I have hidden all the brass, percussion, strings and SATB chorus. This allows me to concentrate on the woodwind section, while still seeing the soloist staves and the piano for context.

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