Musescore crash unexpectedly and UI render error

• Apr 25, 2024 - 17:06

There is 2 problem with my Musescore.
First, the UI of Musescore has a weird transparent square. The square appear no matter it is in the main page or after a score is opened. Sometimes there is a blank square on the menu as well.
Second, if I move my mouse through the menu on the top left, it will crash unexpecedtly. Sometimes it will crash without reason when a score is opened as well.

I tried reinstalling musescore for a few times but it still have all these problem. I even tried to roll back to the version without problem before but all these problem still appears. Even if I try Musescore 4.3.0 Nightly but these problems still appears.

I am using the latest stable release of Musescore 4 (4.2.1) and I am on windows 11 pro 23H2 22635.3500
It should not be RAM problem cause I got 64GB of RAM


same issue,
the software will crash once I create or select any score on the home page.
Reinstall doesn't help.
I can get into a score when I removed the folder "username"\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4
But the transparent square is still there and once I input some notes it still crashes GG

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