how to enter lyrics into SATB

• May 7, 2024 - 04:12

New user - How do I enter lyric text into my SATB score? Thanks!


Depends a bit... on a closed score SATB where all 4 voices (more or less) share the same rhythm, attach the lyrics to Soprano
On a full SATB each staff needs its own lyrics

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

> on a closed score SATB where all 4 voices (more or less) share the same rhythm, attach the lyrics to Soprano

And this brings up another issue: barbershop. We attach our primary lyric line to the Lead voice, which is in the Alto position on a closed score. But then, we often have echo lyrics which attach to the Tenor, Bari, or Bass lines, which may go above or below the staves. Yes, they can all be dealt with, and I'm learning how, but it could be easier. For example, Finale lets you assign a lyric position to each voice, and preset the (adjustable) baseline for each.

In reply to by mikey12045

Ordinarily, I believe that barbershop has Tenor and Lead on first staff, Bari and Bass on second staff. Tenor and Bari, stems up; Lead and Bass, stems down. Assuming that is correct ...

Notate Tenor on Voice 1, Lead on Voice 2, top staff. Notate Bari on Voice 1, Bass on Voice 2, bottom staff. Attach main Lead lyrics (and all lyrics where the lyrics are the same between the voices) to Voice 2, top staff (Lead notes). Leave them in between the staves. Tenor, Bari and Bass lyrics attach to their own voices, but only where they are not singing the same lyrics at the same time. I believe that it's normally Tenor lyrics moved to Above top staff and Bari lyrics moved to Above bottom staff.

The idea is fairly simple, but the execution takes close attention.

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