Can't recreate tuple in Musescore

• May 25, 2024 - 11:18

Above is the sheet I'm trying to copy, below is my implementation that I cannot achieve. Why. How do I add a tuple of length, crotchet + semiquaver



There is a complex tuplet plugin that might do what you want. Alternatively, you can create temporary "donor" bars with odd time signatures, convert their whole-bar rests into tuplets and copy to your destination.

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7_12tuplet.mscz 20.33 KB

In reply to by maclikescheeze

I haven't used the plugin, I've just heard of it in this forum - I suspect that it has a pretty explanatory name in the Plugins folder. As for messing up timings, these are temporary bars created for the express purpose of making non-standard tuplets. Add them at the end of your piece and delete them later, create a new (temporary) instrument stave or come up with some other way that suits you.

I'm usually wrong, but it looks to me like you have basically two nonuplets in a row. Sort of. You'd need to hide the 2 and the 9.

In reply to by underquark

I know. But it can be made to look correct. And depending on tempo, might not be able to tell the difference. Seems more simple. I method plays all the tuples the same note value. It will be interesting to hear it "done properly". I left the 9 and the 2 visible to show how I did it.

Here it is, "done properly", with detailed instructions. I used a "donor measure" as underquark described it. I've left it in the score so you can see it. Obviously, you will delete it once it is no longer needed. I believe that in your score you needed it at least twice?

  1. Press N to activate Note Input mode. You want "Step Time" mode if you normally use "Input" mode.
  2. Enter the notes for Voice 1 normally.
  3. Still in Note Input mode, press Ctrl+Alt+2 to switch to Voice 2.
  4. Enter the sixteenth and the six 32nds normally. Then enter the septuplet normally as well.
  5. Press N to exit Note Input mode.
  6. Select a blank measure after all currently entered notes. (You can do this among previously entered notes, but it's more complicated.)
  7. In the Time signatures palette, click the 5/16 time signature to add it to the blank measure. (If it's not present, look in More and create it if necessary.)
  8. In this measure of 5/16, you should have one 'whole measure' rest, but once or twice I've seen it display a quarter rest and a sixteenth rest. If you have the latter, select the measure and press Delete. It will replace them with the 'whole measure' rest.
  9. Select the 'whole measure' rest.
  10. Click Add / Tuplets / Other. On the Create tuplet dialog, set the Ratio to 11 / 10. Set the Number and Bracket as you want them. Click OK and you now have a 11-let that lasts over the duration of a quarter note plus a sixteenth note.
  11. Tools / Voices / Exchange voices 1 and 2.
  12. Set the Selection Filter to only include Voice 2, then select the measure.
  13. Ctrl+C to copy the 11-let.
  14. Click on the sixteenth note and Ctrl+V to paste.
  15. Enter the notes into the 11-let.
  16. Enter the octuplet on the dotted quarter and the triplet on the sixteenth normally.
  17. If necessary, correct beaming, hide noteheads, and correct labels on the tuplets.

And you have ...

20240526 034332-complex tuplet.png

... and ...

20240526 034332-complex tuplet.mscz

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