Dorico vs. Musescore Engraving comparison (just in case anyone wanted to know)

• May 25, 2024 - 13:24

I've not been on the forums that much lately, and here is why:
1. I've downloaded Dorico for free on my iPad, and now that is taking much of my time. I love it's high-quality engraving and autoplace features. I'm only annoyed about the limitations of the free/iPad versions. The full version, I just found out, is 580 USD. Man, I love MuseScore XD
2. As a teenager, changing screen time limits :P
3. I've started spending more time on the .com site as well.

Nobody likely misses my poor-quality bug reports, feature requests, and comments tho
I don't think I'd ever abandon MuseScore, however. No other decent software afaik has a score-sharing platform with such a good community. The sounds? impressive, and sure to expand. The quality of the engraving? Good enough. I find that it's a bit too perfect for me, but other people have managed to make it look better. I'll continue using MuseScore for posting on .com, but most of my work is going to be using Dorico.

(Here is a Dorico iPad vs. MuseScore engraving comparison, part of a transcription I spent 6+ hours on my iPad + MIDI keyboard working on with the app's limitations, then hastily importing it into MuseScore. The difference in engraving is subtle but def there.)

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