Por favor arreglad las dinámicas- Please fix dynamics

• May 25, 2024 - 21:10

Esto es una mierda sobre todo por las dinámicas que la verdad no valen para nada, este problema también se ve referenciado a la hora de componer sobre un sistema (ejemplo piano que si le pones una dinámica al primer pentagrama ya te hace sonar todo el sistema como si tuviesen los dos pentagramas esa dinámica) yo ya no puedo más por favor dejad de introducir cosas nuevas para guitarra que a pesar de que ese instrumento está bien y la mayoría de masas se inclinan hacia ese instrumento pues hay muchos problemas mucho más graves que arreglar en esta aplicación por favor os lo pido por favor. This is a shit, overall for the dynamics control that actually are useless, this problem is reflexed when start to compose in piano, there is a unique dynamic for all the system, I mean, if we put a mp in the first pentagram, ALL the system starts to sound like that dynamic, and not only for piano composition, this problem is in ALLLLLLLLLLLLL instruments including obviusly strings, please fix this problem I cannot endure this situation so please fix ittttttt


First, please do not curse, in either language. This is a public forum and it's a friendly place. Please clean up your language.

That said, the issue of single dynamics on the piano is known and I have heard reports that it will be fixed in the next subversion or two. Sorry, I don't remember which.

You can get around this fairly easily right now. Add two separate pianos to the score. Remove the bass clef from the first and the tenor clef from the second. Now you can add separate dynamics to the bass and treble clef.

I would imagine that any instrument that uses a Grand Staff will probably have the same issue but I'm unaware of any specific problems with dynamics in other instruments. (I'm sure there are other problems; I just don't know about them.) I personally have not seen any such behavior in other instruments but I haven't been looking. If you can describe, in great detail, the specific problem you are seeing, we can try to help.

Also, the "Made With MuseScore" sub-forum is for posting examples of completed works created in MuseScore, not for reporting problems. Fewer people who fix problems will see this thread. You should post this sort of issue in "Support and Bug Reports" or in "General Discussion".

Finally, I would suggest that you either post in the Spanish language forum (https://musescore.org/es/forum) or post solely in English here. It's polite to use the right language in each forum.

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