Poly Synth sounds like a normal piano in MS 4.3

• May 26, 2024 - 01:47

I recently updated my Musescore to 4.3 and all my pieces where I had a poly synth, instead of a poly synth playing, it plays a normal (I think upright) piano. Even making a new piece doesn't fix the issue. Has anyone noticed this as well?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I agree, it's close. However, the Theremin has a very distinctive sound, but the ocarina doesn't quite fit and has a weird quality change on G.
If I'm being honest, I wanted to use it to try and recreate Harmonic Voltage by Animusic. I had to switch to Poly Synth before I updated because the Theremin didn't sound right, so I knew what the Poly Synth was supposed to sound. I updated, and suddenly the Poly Synth was a normal piano! So I wondered if the issues were tied together.

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