No 'connect' note beam feature

• Jun 1, 2024 - 03:22

I was making a piece of music that in a bar had a 4/4 time signature but the note were grouped with quavers in a 3,3,2 form for syncopation and tension for an upcoming time signature change. MuseScore didn't like this grouping of the note beams and didn't allow the quavers over the midpoint in the bar to beam together. No matter the beam properties I chose I could fix this. I settled with making the beams invisible and putting a line over the top however adding a 'connect' note beam property would fix this issue as I could select the neighbouring beams I wanted to join and select 'connect'. I would very much like to see this feature become a reality in a future update.


Start with your 8 1/8th notes.

Select note 4, hit Break Beam Left
Select note 7, hit Break beam Left
Select note 5, hit Join Beams.

OK, I deliberated about replying to this as I didn't want to come across as abusive, but it has to be said that you - and many, many other posters - have either encountered a very rare bug (which no one else has described) or you haven't read the Handbook and haven't really tried to sort this out for yourself.

I often struggle remember the precise way to change beams but I am open to adopting a try and see approach. I spent an ungodly amount of time (the clue is in the filename) relearning beaming and creating what you are after.

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37seconds.mscz 15.66 KB

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