Lost/permanent go to coda symbol

• Jun 2, 2024 - 20:43

I added a go to coda symbol. Worked fine. Added To Coda (to match original score) but made it staff text to avoid duplication. Worked fine. After adding some material I had two pages instead of one.

MuseScore moved the to coda symbol to a random spot on the second page even though its original position was not near the end of the piece or first page. That new symbol would not respond to any sort of clicks. I could not move it nor delete it.

The to coda functionality remained so I was not able to add a new symbol where it belonged. When I changed the score in a way that left me with one page the to coda symbol did not appear on the single page but the functionality remained.

In the attached working file the problem spot is at the double bar line at the end of measure 25. You can see the errant symbol on the second page.

Attachment Size
LTRR_problem_report.mscz 27.95 KB


Hello symon,

I had already read about a similar problem. There was also an icon outside the normal range. At that time, you could select and delete the symbol in the continuous view. This process also worked for your file. Unfortunately, I don't know why your symbol was moved outside the selectable area.

Attachment Size
LTRR_problem_report(1).mscz 27.22 KB

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