Multimeasure Repeats BREAK MuseSounds (Trumpet soundfont)

• Jun 2, 2024 - 23:53

For whatever reason, when I had a song including a basic snare part and a trumpet part (snare repeats last two measures in a basic pattern), it causes the trumpet part to immediately revert to its previous dynamic level during the second of the two measures of snare repeat.
I am using multimeasure repeats (2-measure or 4-measure) as included as a feature in musescore 4.3.1.
When I deleted the repeat from the snare part, the trumpet part began working as intended again.

I don't fully know why this issue is taking place; that being said, I have a theory:
The multimeasure repeat is somehow repeating not only the snare part, but the DYNAMICS of the trumpet part as well.
Here's my reasoning: If you look in my example, it does this during the second repeat sign too (trumpet goes back to forte for one measure; trumpet then returns randomly to piano for one measure). I have no dynamics at all marked for the trumpet in those two measures. But if it were copying the dynamics from the beginning, then it would make sense; the trumpet does indeed decrescendo to piano in the first two measures.

Thanks for your support!

Attachment Size
Broken.mscz 22.31 KB


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