resize musescore windows when not fullscreen

• Jun 3, 2024 - 07:35

musescore should have a feature just like a normal browser where it would resize itself such as the scrolling page of the sheet, the play, rewind, etc buttons, and other windows in musescore. for example, if putting musescore as half screen size, it does not take into account that the whole window of musescore is half screen. Instead it would "cut" off of the screen.


I'm not following what you mean. (Maybe somebody else will?) Can you post a screenshot showing what you are talking about?

In reply to by Ralts

Just to clarify and help others understand: If I understand correctly, you say that the toolbars, such as the play control toolbar, are cut off on their side, some buttons are hidden and can't be clicked.
You request that when changing the MuseScore window's size, all the toolbars and panels should automatically resize so that the icons in them still appear inside the window (or are accessible through some kind of "down arrow"/"menu button" if there is no visible place for them).

Am I correct?

In reply to by nCuky

yeah. Its not just the toolbars, its also with the score (sheet) itself. One example is when the sheet is being played, you would see the play line. However it would keep going off screen (but realistically its cutoff) as if Musescore is maximized.

Also the mixer window as well.

Not sure if this is a feature or a bug lol

In reply to by Asher S.

because a browser is the most used program in a computer and that can help for comparison. i could say a "file explorer" but the name of it isnt well know until around Windows 7 and its called that in Windows. (Yes windows/file explorer existed since Windows 95 but the name of it isnt really said in windows that often. You would just see the name of the folder etc instead)

Funny, I was just about to submit this request (same day, too!). But yeah, I use Musescore for referencing sheet music when re-making my piece in a DAW. It's quite awkward and difficult to have to constantly maximize the window, do what I have to do, and resize it.

In reply to by Ilikebirds37818

Due to the horizontal nature of Western music notation, you might want to try splitting your screen top and bottom, rather than left and right. (I don't know if you do that, but OP's screenshot seems to indicate that they do.) I digitize PDFs by putting the PDF at the top half of the screen and MuseScore at the bottom half, both full width. I don't work with DAWs much (at all :-), but the few I've seen look to me as if that orientation would work better for them too.

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