About playing

• Jun 6, 2024 - 14:32

What happened to my score ???
The system plat it so strange...
There's an pp in my score, and it plays ff;
There's an ff in my score, and it plays pp;
and there's no pizz. on it, but it did turn to pizzicato mode...
so I add some unshown arco in it.

Only I did is swiched an instument...


Since no one here knows anything about your score, it's difficult ("impossible", that is) for us to assist you. Please attach your score so that someone can try to help.

In reply to by rrrrrrrrrrrrr1

Thanks for the score, but...
Your attached score shows 7 instruments playing 213 measures notated in 3 sections spread over 25 pages.
It takes more than 10 minutes to play. :-/

Anyhow... you wrote:
There's an pp in my score, and it plays ff;
There's an ff in my score, and it plays pp;
and there's no pizz. on it, but it did turn to pizzicato mode...

You also wrote:
Hope someone can help me!!!

Would you (please) help us to save some time by specifying measure numbers and/or instruments where your issues occur?

BTW: There is a pizz. (now guess what measure... ;-)

In reply to by Jm6stringer

  1. Section II, bar 92-96, I can only hear the horn and the violin I, 'cause they have ff, but I can't hear other they all have ff, but they play pp.
  2. I know what you mean, some place i do add some pizz.s. but i change it into arco somewhere, right? The problem place plays pizz. mode inexplicably. There's no pizz. on it.
    Actually, the whole score have many problems like these. Before I change the instrument, it's fine, with no problem.

In reply to by rrrrrrrrrrrrr1

You wrote:
Section II, bar 92-96, I can only hear the horn and the violin I, 'cause they have ff, but I can't hear other they all have ff, but they play pp.

I am using MS Basic for playback, and when I loop those bars (and listen repeatedly), all instruments sound:
The sound level meters in the mixer show fairly even except for the "Basso" (Contrabass) which is not set to ff in the score, so its volume is lower.

P.S.: The dynamics feature is undergoing revision. Stay tuned.

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