Whole piece styles for playback - marcato, waltz, legato, custom?

• Jun 8, 2024 - 05:42

Currently defaults to sounding like everything is slurred, and can't be changed outside of adding portato to every note. Baroque and early classical music you generally want to be able to hear that the notes aren't slurred, and for things like marches and dances, it's understood that it's marcato at the least unless it's slurred, and the eighth notes and faster are usually staccato. Otherwise it's a busy mess on playback, the space is important.

Waltz is an interesting one, because it also has a little bit of an emphasis on the second beat most of the time.



Articulation and phrasing control is very limited in MS4 currently, both with Muse Sounds and MS Basic. There is work being done to improve (articulation profiles etc.) but I don't know the timeframe.
Meanwhile for Brass at least you can use the "classic phrasing" sound flag to prevent notes between slurred together. And for strings you can try the "expressive" flag, though unfortunately you then lose other articulations (staccato/accent etc.).

It's a very complex topic though, and what the default behaviour should be isn't at all obvious. You're definitely right that the default articulations for plain notes with no legato slurs or articulation marks used are wholly inappropriate for many styles of music.

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