Editing invisible items

• Jun 10, 2024 - 02:02

MuseScore 4.3.1. When something has been made invisible in Properties, once one leaves that item one cannot come back and select it to make it visible again in order to edit it (because invisible items are not editable). One must select the measure it is anchored to and make everything in that measure visible, then make what must remain invisible invisible again. I don't know if that is intentional, but I find it frustrating, and don't remember it being that way prior to MuseScore 4.

Take for example a tempo setting. The score may have an approximate tempo indicated in words, but an invisible tempo setting has been added to make it specific and exact. If I want to change that, the process above is needed.


Not working like that on my system. I am using Windows. I can select an invisble element and make it visible again. Any more details you can share about the steps you perform, the view mode being used, the OS, etc.

In reply to by Henk De Groot

Windows 11; MuseScore 4.3.1 (also 4.3). See the attached image of an invisible tempo mark. (I have not unchecked "Show invisible" in the menu.) I cannot select this item to edit its properties or its content until I select the entire measure, whose properties have a dash (-) in the Visible box. Change that to a check, making everything in the measure visible, then I can work with the Tempo item, edit it, and make it invisible again.

If the measure had other invisible elements in it as well, the same would be true of all of them, and I would have to make each of them individually invisible again after doing this.

Attachment Size
Invisible.png 9.87 KB

In reply to by Gerald Reynolds

Frankly, I don't see the problem. Check out the GIF below. I've hidden the tempo marking, and it's still perfectly selectable and editable, as it should be (with 4.3.1). Instead of an image, attach the measure or a few measures from your .mscz file showing the problem. Maybe there'll be a clue.


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