PDF converter - not creating a clean copy

• Jul 4, 2024 - 04:19

I work with an all comers orchestra and need to create parts for instruments not usually in a traditional orchestra. If a piano accompaniment/part is available, I will work from that music to create a new part or take a cello part and turn it into a baritone sax part. I converted a piano part pdf into a .msz file and the measures weren't even; it's full of invisible markings and every file I have converted has a tempo marking at the beginning of the score of quarter note = 120. What is the simplest way to get a clean copy or clear all the little plus signs on the bars, etc. Thank you.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-07-03 212247 marked.png 280.51 KB


Please post the original PDF. In some ways, if you used the MuseScore PDF converter, you're lucky it came out as well as it did.Th +signs mean the converter saw something it thought was a note or a rest that is extra. You can't just delete whatever it is. You have to correct the number of beats in each problem measure.

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