`Repeats in a Coda

• Jul 14, 2024 - 04:58

I am pretty new to composing, but I am working on a piece with a coda and multiple sections with repeats. The playback only does the repats the first time around and doesn't when it plays through after the coda. Is there a specific notation for this or anything? Thanks!

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The Hey Song troubleshoot.pdf 168.85 KB


Yes, that is the convention: repeats are not played after a D.C. or D.S..

To get it to play the repeats that second time around, highlight the D.C. or D.S. and go to the Properties tab at upper left. Immediately above the Text section is a checkbox to Play repeats. Check it and it will do what you want. Be aware that most musicians playing this will know NOT to play them.

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