No default button on Insert Measures Dialog

• Jul 20, 2024 - 16:21

I wasn't sure whether to describe this as a feature request or a bug, but I've come down on the side that it's a bug. Anyway...

When I select that I want to insert additional measures (doesn't matter whether before or after), a dialog box appears asking for "Number of measures to insert:". When the dialog box first appears, the edit field highlights the default number. This is useful, so that I can just type in the new number and overwrite the default value of 1. Once I've entered the number of new measures I want, or even if I want to accept the default, the default behavior at this point should allow me to press the Enter key to accept and move on. As it works now, I have to switch my hand to the mouse to actually click on the OK button. (The fact that the OK button is highlighted only serves to make it more confusing.)

The ESC key sort of works for Cancel, but that also isn't quite the standard behavior. The ESC key will cancel the dialog, but I have to press it twice (first to remove the focus from the text edit field, and then to trigger the cancel).

Inserting measures is something I do often enough so that it's a bit annoying.

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