login fail

• Sep 1, 2024 - 16:31

so i just tested the "open in editor" thing in a sheet. i thought it was finally done, i could open sheets for free on musescore 4. but then, the editor told me to sign in to see the sheet. i clicked the login button, was redirected to a page saying the login was successful Screenshot (30).png , i tabbed back to musescore but it didnt say that login was successful, it just stayed there Screenshot (31).png

for proof, you can look at the times each screenshot was taken

Attachment Size
Screenshot (30).png 218.81 KB
Screenshot (31).png 266.33 KB


note that before i updated musescore 4.2.1 to 4.4.0, i was able to be logged in, and it was only when i recieved the message to update to 4.4.0 that i updated and lost the login of the desktop.

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