Video Score Problem on the 4.4 version

• Sep 2, 2024 - 12:39

Hello Musescore Surport Team,

Please tell me how to solve the problem as below.
On the video score:
(1) The cursor is not moving.
(2) The screen is frozen on page 1 and does not move on.
This problem occurs after updating to Musescore version 4.4.

Sincerely Yours, uuonki CHUNG 🎶


There is no "Musescore Support Team" (at least, if they exist, they're not HERE). We're all normal users, just like you.

Are you looking at the webpage? Or at the Musescore Studio application? If the latter, click Help / About Musescore and click the copy button (two pieces of paper) and paste it here.

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