Can't Change the notes that are played back in a Chord

• Sep 3, 2024 - 03:40

Hi, I've got a chord chart that I'm trying to get to play back correctly. All of my chords play back fine with the exception of this C 6/9 chord. It plays it only as the root note "C". Is there a way that I can change the notes that are played when this symbol is represented on screen? I clicked "Realize Chord Symbols", but I can't edit the notes once selected. See attached.

The shorthand I click for a 6/9 Chord is "C%". As you can see - it only plays the root notes. MuseScore creates the chord symbol perfectly when I type the percent sign. It notates it as a 6/9 chord, but doesn't voice it that way during playback. Is there any way that I can change a setting in MuseScore to voice it as a 6/9 chord?

Side Note: If I type "C 6/9", it voices it correctly - but the layout is too wide. Therefore I like the "C%" input method as it looks more traditional and is easier to read.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



PS: I'm on a Mac - using MuseScore 3 because I love multiple tabs open at once. :)

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