Why are Dynamics Worse with This New Update ?

• Sep 3, 2024 - 22:27

Like I am already about fed up with Musescore's fckn BS, but just tell me why my once great custom sound fonts sound monotone now, whether it is 64 velocity or 127??


Found a workaround, but still takes too much time and energy to do it. Simply reverting instrument sounds and then changing it back to what I had it as seemed to fix it

In reply to by bobjp

It's as if no matter if I use P or FFF or 64 or 127. any soundfont I already have seems just.....less loud with this update, and idk if it's just I suddenly got deafer, but something is just definitely not the same...I have to like turn the mixer volume up just to be able to hear it like I used to....maybe I'm just going crazy and shit, idk, but something is just not right...

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