switch from Finale to Musescore

• Sep 6, 2024 - 14:44

I am a Finale user and am now forced to look for an alternative. I am now investigating the possibilities of Musescore and am positive about it.
However, I have a thousand Finale files. I would very much appreciate it if a software developer would make a good conversion program from mus files to another program. XML is far from perfect and it takes us a lot of time to update everything.
I hope Musescore wants to invest in this. Reading a mus file directly without errors would be fantastic.
Then you have me as a new user and I think many with me. We would also be willing to pay something for it.
I am curious what you do with it.

Kind regards, Wietse


the .mus format is proproatary as far as I know, so if anything someoue would need to revers-engineer it. Not likely to be easy nor to happen in the near futur, esp. not by the core developers.
Leaves you with MusicXML...

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