When maximizing MuseScore 4.4.1 on portrait oriented monitor, the window is clipped and there is no way to restore it.again.

• Sep 9, 2024 - 01:08

Like all Windows apps, when you maximize MuseScore 4.4.1 , you can maximize the app with buttons on the top right corner. However, most apps still have a button to let you restore the app. MuseScore 4.4 has this feature when the display is landscape, but if the monitor is portrait, it does not.

Expected: Even on portrait monitor, MuseScore should maximize properly and have a restore button in the top right corner. Screenshot provided.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-09-08 170755.png 363.01 KB


In reply to by cbjeukendrup

You are correct. It works properly on the primary monitor, but not secondary monitors.

However, when I experimenting by changing what is the primary monitor, all kind of other issues arose. MuseScore remember app position relative to the primary monitor, so by changing the primary monitor it can easily end up with its window off screen completely. Other apps don't have this issue!

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