4.4.1 Audio Replay

• Sep 10, 2024 - 00:59

The scores I created in 4.3 playback in 4.4 with stuttering, glitching and crackling. This wasn't a problem in 4.3. None of my hardware has changed. I believe there is a problem with playback in 4.4.1.
I still have ms3 installed and ms3 scores play back without issue. I am able to export from 4.4.1 via MXL to ms3 (although ms3 says it's not a valid file) and playback has no crackles or stutters in ms3.
I desperately need to go back a release or two but this is a challenge. What do I do for Win11 with the information presented in the 'older versions' site?
Thanks for your help


I've read these kinds of reports about in 4.4 playback, with what you call "stuttering, glitching and crackling"

For now, listening to your file, it's just perfect here. However, given the number of reports, the Musescore team is aware of this and is working on it. See this comment from one of the team's programmers: https://musescore.org/en/node/367639#comment-1257286

Then, to return to an earlier version: the .msi extension is for the Windows platform, .dmg for MacOs, and AppImage for Linux. If you're running Windows (?), the best solution is to install the portable version, with the .paf extension. This portable version coexists with the 4.4.1 version already installed (so you don't have to uninstall it).

EDIT: our messages have crossed. Perfect if you've found the solution. But it is not sure that it is the panacea for all those who have this problem since 4.4.

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