4.4.1 Install

• Sep 10, 2024 - 01:25

My 4.4.1 version produced an unexpected result that I first though was a redesign but subsequent attempts to work with it resulted in crashes each time.
A friendly facebook ms user suggested View>Revert the default layout that fixed the curious window placements.
I have a file named Unconfirmed 208143.crdownload that I believe to be the install for 4.4.1 but it won't load to this file area.
I've attached a picture of the initial appearance of the ms 4.4.1. The multiple movable windows were overlaying and the 'workarea' was static if that's any help.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-09-06 113931.png 224.25 KB


Known issue due to the switch to Qt6 since version 4.4.
Restore the defauIt layout (menu View) was indeed the right thing to do.

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