4.4.1 Dual Monitor Display Bug & Playback Bug

• Sep 10, 2024 - 03:09

Issue 1: I have MuseScore open on Monitor 1. When I click on any display item that opens a sub-menu, such as "File", "Edit", etc. or hover over any palette item that has alt text (Key Signatures, Dynamics, etc.) the proper menu or alt text appears at the far left margin of my second monitor at the appropriate vertical location instead of appearing on Monitor 1 with the rest of Musescore.

Issue 2: After clicking on any sort of ornament (fermata, ritardando, etc.) then entering the properties tab, the "Playback" & "Appearance" buttons no longer open menus. This makes it so that adjusting the playback length of a fermata is no longer possible, for example.


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