HELP on 4.4.1!

• Sep 11, 2024 - 21:41

I just installed 4.4.1, and my scores are screwed up! In scores with lyrics, there are horizontal lines all over the pages that I can't erase, and in another the chord symbols are totally messed up. Is there any way to revert to the previous version?

I am on an iMac with Sonoma 14.6.1.

Two PDF exports are attached that illustrate the problems.


Maybe it helps to select the whole score with ctrl+a and reset the elements with ctrl+r. If this doesn't help attache please the scores themselfs instead of the pdfs.

In reply to by UncleBenny

Thanks. The chord symbol issue already existed in MuseScore 4.3 and before; it happened whenever you opened and saved a file for the second time.

In MuseScore 4.4, the source of that problem was fixed, meaning that it won't happen again with new scores created in 4.4. But it's not automatically fixed for already-broken files.

I've done two things:

  • submitted a fix for MuseScore so that it will auto-fix broken scores when opening them; maybe this can be included in 4.4.2, otherwise some other future release
  • fixed this particular file by hand, see attachment.

EDIT: Oops, posts crossed... anyway.

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