Adding symbols to palette- again, and again. Button accordion row marks.

• Sep 17, 2024 - 06:55

Button accordion. Here in Finland we use terms "Inner rows", it is three row from bellow. I school notes we mark it as "S" with circle. Three middle rows are "middle rows" and we use mark "K". And three last rows are "outer rows", "U".

Inner rows = Sisärivit = S with circle round.
Middle rows = Keskirivit = K with circle round.
Outer rows = ulkorivit = U with circle round.

It is easy add this as "ctrl+T" and drag it to suitable place.

But. Most flexible is add this to own special palette. But how? I try make own palette and I add fingerings to it. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are ok, of course. But free text not. I try add text "ctrl+t" to note and drag it to palette. Not work. Drag with Ctrl. Nothing.

So- how I can add this "S", "K" and "U" to own palette?

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